Despite introduced regulations, 80% of helmets on sale in Vietnam still fail to meet national standards of helmets. Hot and humid climate, coupled with unaffordable prices of standard helmets are the two most common reasons that motor drivers (making up 90% of traffic participants in Vietnam) use to explain their shying away from standard helmets.
In order to increase the rate of standard helmet use, AIP Foundation and Protec came up with the world’s first tropical helmet that meet three key criterias of being light weighted, affordable, and safe. These helmets are perfect for hot and humid tropical countries like Vietnam and they are also fully compliant with national safety standards.

Owing to the huge difference in Asian and Western head shapes (Westerners’ heads are rounder, while those of Asian are elongated), in 2000, Protec experts carried out a head measurement test among over 5,000 Vietnamese people to come up with the fittest and most convenient helmet designs.
Nowadays, Protec has produced 21 different helmet lines, including Hiway, Racing, Cool, Disco, Rosa, Poly, Kitty, Saga, Saga (Lux), Techno, Viva. Arizona, Vic, MH001, IM01, IM02, Star, MO001 và MO002, which consist of a wide range of styles such as half faced, three quarter faced or full faced. Not only that, Protec also manufactures insurance bicycle helmets such as Win001, Win002, Win003, Smile, Win033, Win 066, Win069, …

Protec deploys extended polystyrene beads that are heat compressed and molded into the hard liner, in the form of our solid EPS liner, which is also the key component to protect our brain and absorb impact in case of a traffic crash. Besides, the helmet also boasts its hard shell of ABS brads or soft shell of PVC sheet, both of which are equally efficient and reliable in head protection.
In addition, Protec’s painting workshop is also capable of a wide range of paint color mixes to cater to requirements of various designs and graphics. Our advanced technologies can meet all needs of our customers in printing their logos or slogans on the helmets. At the plant, Protec employs two technologies: water decal and tampon printing. Tampon printing is used for logo designs of maximum 5 colors and suitable for a small surface of the helmet. Meanwhile, water decal designs can cater to even most demanding requirements in colors and able to fully cover the surface of helmet.

Helmets are set in freefall at the standard height of 1.385m for globular anvil and 1.83m for flat anvil. That EPS polystyrene liner is deformed after the freefall and clashes with the anvil means that the EPS liner has absorbed most of the impact of the clash, reducing the impact on the wearer’s head.
A sharp stake weighing a standard three kilograms is dropped onto the helmet from the height of 2 meters. The stake should not penetrate through the EPS to the head simulation.
Helmets are put on the human head simulation with the strap firmly and neatly wrapping around the chin. A hook is stuck to the buckle strap of the helmet. A force lays impact on the buckle strap at an equivalent of 4.5kg, which is then gradually raised to 50kg within 30 seconds and maintained within 2 minutes, provided that the strap is not broken and the elasticity between the first lug and second lug does not exceed 25mm.
Experimented helmeton is put on a human head simulation with the strap firmly and neatly wrapping around the chin. A hook is stuck to the back of the helmet, and it is pulled forwards with a force equivalent to 10kg from the height of 0.5m. The angle of the helmet is supposed not to be skewed over 30 degrees on the head simulation.